
A mix of writing about history and my own social history projects

youth culture history iain aitch

Subcultures in situ

Iain’s Cachet project. A history of Margate’s diverse subcultures, created for an exhibition at Turner Contemporary gallery. Punks, mods, rockers, skinheads and more marked in social history.

Unknown photographer - slide owned by Margate artist Iain Aitch

Working class beauty

A social history of beauty queens in Margate, inspired by working class women and their lost and untold histories of being involved in these now highly-disputed shows.

iain aitch dreamland margate timeline

Dreamland, Margate

I wrote the timeline for the history of the Dreamland amusement park and its associated cinema and dance halls. My grandfather worked at the park from 1946-1976 and I have written about it extensively.

hidden florence

Hidden Florence

One of many articles for the Arts & Humanities Research Council exploring the important history projects that they fund and which help bring history to the wider public.

Teddy boys and girls

Reviving history

A piece for the Museum of Youth Culture and Google Arts & Culture on the revival of various youth subcultures at the end of the 1970s, as well as their origins.

Rendezvous Projects logo

Rendezvous Projects

I am a Director of social history and arts Community Interest Company Rendezvous Projects. We make history projects that involve community, creativity and locality.